Dunny's Source for Sports Major Atom MD, News, Major Atom MD, U10-U11 (Atom), 2017-2018 (Stratford Minor Hockey Association)


This Team is part of the 2017-2018 season, which is not set as the current season.
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Feb 04, 2018 | bhallock | 951 views
Dunny's Source for Sports Major Atom MD
We choose to be one, when we pull our jersey's on.

We choose to be one, when we refuse to back down.

We choose to be one, when we have each others back.

We choose to be one, when we get back up after being knocked down.

We choose to be a TEAM because we are THE MAJOR ATOM MD WARRIORS !!

The boys started the two game weekend on the road Saturday evening against the London Bandits at 76%. With boys sick, injured and absent they all had to pull together and cover each others back throughout the game. Despite the hard efforts and end to end battles, the Bandits were able to get on the scoreboard and gain the lead with 30 seconds left in the first period. Couple minutes into the second, Zach Scrimgeour dug a puck out of the corner, made a quick pass to Ryan Wilker who let a shot off, that Owen Chadwick deflected into the back of the net. Shortly after, the boys had a two on one rush presented by Spencer Murphy with a pass to Logan Hallock who fed Chadwick that sealed the deal with a one timer, giving the Jr. Warriors the lead. Bandits were able to sneak another goal threw ending the second. Goaltender Devon Loerzel was quick with his blocker side preventing the Bandits from netting anymore. Defencemen Liam Eddleston cleared the zone with a pass to Hallock who zig-zag threw the Bandits securing the third goal. Bandits pulled their goalie with minutes left in the game, but the boys made many sacrificial saves to skate away with the victory!

Sunday the boys faced the North London Nationals at Allman Arena for a 2:15P.M puck drop. The boys had another great game solidifying first place in playoffs. All cylinders were firing; the defence had a fantastic game shutting down the Nationals, and giving offensive support. Goaltender Lachlan Stanley stayed focused and steady between the pipes. The offence had a strong game with puck control and passing, three lines deep, that lead to their multiple offensive plays. Scoring for the Jr. Warriors were Murphy, Rowan Smith, Mathew Benner (2), Liam Ollson and Hallock. Assists going to Ollson, Luke Jackson (2), Hallock, Tyson Cassone (2), Chadwick and Sammy Binns.  

After the game, the team was presented with a banner from Alliance Hockey in recognition for being League Champions in the Atom MD West Divison. CONGRATULATIONS BOYS for all your hard work and efforts in achieving your goal as League Champions for the 2nd year in row!

UP NEXT: Exhibition Game; Saturday, February 10th at 7:00P.M vs. Hamilton Tigers at RBC 
