SMHA Mandates Concussion Testing, News (Stratford Minor Hockey Association)


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Jun 15, 2011 | lcossey | 2488 views
SMHA Mandates Concussion Testing
Stratford Minor Hockey Association tackles concussion issues head-on by mandating concussion testing and management for minor development and rep teams.


Stratford Minor Hockey Association tackling concussion issue head-on with mandating concussion testing and management for minor development and rep teams.

Stratford: June 12, 2011

Stratford Minor Hockey Association had a presentation by the Clinical Medicine Research Group Ltd and has decided to join in their program and mandate a concussion management program, including neurocognitive baseline testing for our Minor Development and Rep programs starting at Minor Peewee and up including Midget for the 2011 – 2012 season.

Johnny Chehade, a director with CMRG stated, “We commend the Stratford Minor Hockey Association for establishing a mandatory concussion management program for minor development and rep teams for the 2011/12 season. This program will ensure the players and parents have the most up to date information about concussions and proper concussion management.”

The program includes a four step process for proper concussion management including:

Step 1) Education and information on concussions and concussion management provided to players, parents, coaches, officials and medical staff.

Step 2) Neurocognitive testing which includes a baseline test completed at the start of the season. CMRG utilizes the ImPACT software program, which is the same one used by the NHL.

Step 3) Proper Medical Management of a concussed athlete. If there are any medical professionals within the city of Stratford who wish to have the training in the management of concussions. CMRG will be running education programs in the area for healthcare providers who are interested in becoming trained in proper concussion management.

Step 4) Research conducted throughout the season on SMHA member teams in order to better understand concussion and concussion management.

About Stratford Minor Hockey Association

Stratford is very happy with the decision to join this program. Concussions are a very serious problem in our game right now and we believe this will help keep our kids safer. The program will help inform our parents and members of our coaching staff in how to deal with concussions and how they affect the everyday life of our kids. For more information you can contact Chad Forbeck Director SMHA or our website.

About CMRG Ltd.

CMRG Ltd. is a London Ontario based company that has been providing their Concussion Management Program ( across Canada for the past 5 years. Their clients include many hockey, soccer and football organization, private school athletic programs, the Canadian national ski, snowboard and freestyle teams and all CFL teams.

For more information please contact: [email protected], ph: 519-963-1213

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CMRG Ltd. GMHA Concussion Management Project


SMHA Press Release 001 2011