Jun 17, 2011 | lcossey | 3131 views
SMHA Tryout Times Announced
SMHA has confirmed tryout ice times for their seeded (Rep) programs.
Please visit our TRYOUT tab for tryout dates and times. Additional tryout dates and times, in addition to Minor Development (MD) tryout dates and times, will be added as they are confirmed.
Tryout fees will be as follows: $10.00 for 60 minute icetimes, $15.00 for 90 minute icetimes, and $20.00 for 120 minute icetimes. Please pay on arrival to the arena.
Players from other associations wishing to tryout under the "Made in Ontario" plan will need to be registered with their home association and have a valid passport.
For more information on the "Made in Ontario" plan, please visit the Minor Hockey Alliance website: www.alliancehockey.com