Coaches for 2014-2015 Season, News (Stratford Minor Hockey Association)


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Jul 29, 2014 | lcossey | 1834 views
Coaches for 2014-2015 Season
SMHA hopes everyone is having a wonderful summer and looks forward to seeing everyone in the rink this September.  

Minor Development (MD) tryout times will be posted in August for their September tryouts, and Seeded teams will begin practicing the first week of September with their regular season commencing Friday, September 12th.

SMHA is also pleased to announce the following Head Coaches for the 2014-2015 season:

Novice Tier I, Chris Emms
Novice Tier II, To Be Announced
Novice Tier III, Scott Petrie
Minor Atom REP, Mike Martin
Minor Atom MD, Jeff McEwin
Major Atom REP, DJ (Doug) Deline
Minor Peewee REP, Rick Carman
Minor Peewee MD, Terry Soper
Major Peewee REP, Troy McMann
Major Peewee MD, Jeromy Lee
Minor Bantam REP, Mike Graham
Minor Bantam MD, Richard Ivey
Major Bantam REP, Mark Taylor
Major Bantam MD, Gary Mark
Minor Midget REP, Bryan Watson

Consideration is still being given to running a Minor Midget MD team or a Major Midget (REP or MD) team; coaches are still being sought for these teams. Applications may be found on the SMHA website homepage if you are interested in applying.