Each spring, the Stratford Minor Hockey Association (SMHA) holds tryouts
for their seeded programs.
Based on turnout for those tryouts, they are able to determine what Minor Development (MD) programs they will run. Based on this past spring's turnout, SMHA will be running the following combined MD programs.
• Atom MD (2005/2006 Birth Years) - Head Coach Mark Hall
• Peewee MD (2003/2004 Birth Years) - Head Coach Steve Eidt
• Bantam MD (2001/2002 Birth Years) - Head Coach Matt Smyth
• Midget MD (1998/1999/2000 Birth Years) - Head Coach to be announced
To enhance the experience for players and compete in competitive league, the Atom and Bantam MD teams will play in their respective minor divisions. The Peewee and Midget MD teams will play in their respective major division.
Tryouts for all MD programs will start following Labour Day — dates and times of tryouts can be found on the SMHA website (stratfordminorhockey.com). Those wishing to play Midget MD should refer to and attend the Midget REP tryouts. Tryouts are $15/tryout; there will be 3 tryouts with releases done after the second. Exhibition games may also be added to increase the number of tryouts.
SMHA welcomes all eligible players with an interest in playing travel hockey to try out. Additional "FAQ" information can also be found on the SMHA website.
Pre-registration is not required for those who attended spring tryouts. Those who did not participate in spring tryouts are welcome and encouraged to come out, but will need to complete a pre-registration form when signing in at their first tryout. Additionally, parents with players born in 2004 or later are also required to complete an online "Respect In Sport" course should their child be asked to sign with a Minor Development team. Details and a link to the course can be found on the SMHA website.