2016-2017 Tryouts Begin April 25th!, News (Stratford Minor Hockey Association)


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Apr 15, 2016 | lcossey | 7334 views
2016-2017 Tryouts Begin April 25th!
Welcome to the next SMHA hockey season — tryouts begin April 25th.  Tryout schedules may be found on each team's webpage — but be sure to review our Tryout Package prior to attending.

All teams (Seeded and Minor Development) will try out in the spring with the exception of Major Midget.

Registration will take place at the first tryout. If you wish to fill out the Registration Form in advance, please click link below.

The tryout fee will be $80 per player to be paid at the first tryout. Cash is preferred. This is an all-inclusive tryout fee and covers all tryouts for Seeded, Minor Development and Novice.

Players should attend Seeded tryouts for their birth year. Players may opt to only attend Minor Development tryouts, however, they are encouraged to attend Seeded tryouts first. Regardless, the tryout fee remains $80 whether they attend one or both series of tryouts.

Non-Resident Players (NRPs) (Applies to only Seeded tryouts): NRPs must register with their home centre and bring their NRP Passport to the first tryout. Players without valid passports will not be permitted on the ice.

All Minor Development teams will have an initial combined Minor/Major tryout. Should there be enough players to form both a Minor and Major team, additional tryouts will be added.

2003 birth years must have taken the Introduction to Body Checking Clinic in order to try out. Per Alliance Hockey, only those that have completed the clinic may try out.  If you wish to try out and you have not taken a Body Checking Clinic, please contact Laurie Cossey immediately ([email protected]).

2004, 2005, 2006 birth years (per Alliance Policy), one parent must have completed "Respect in Sport Parent Version" before the final tryout in order for their child to be eligible to be signed. A link can be found below to take the course.

Expanded tryout details, coaching announcements and tryout schedule can be found in our Tryout Package. 

Tryout Package
Pre-Registration Form