May 03, 2018 | jmurray | 993 views
Roster for Sunday, May 6 at Hespeler
The following names are in the lineup on May 6 at 4pm in Hespeler. Please be at the arena by 3:15pm. If your name is not on the list, you will be on a roster at a later date. Please check this site for future rosters throughout the exhibition schedule. Please let me know if you are scheduled to play and are unable to make it.
Roster for May 6 in Hespeler @ 4pm is as follows
Z. Richardson
O. Holloway
J. Heinbuch
L. Hill
D. Van Stratten
H. Meulensteen
K. Brame
S. Jeffrey
J. Boyer
R. Middegaal
W. Duiker
E. Dam
L. Heisz
G. Spahiu
L. Zorgdrager
T. Sheldon
K. MacNeil