OHF Player Movement Update 2025/26, News, U8 (Stratford Minor Hockey Association)


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Organization | Feb 24, 2025 | Matthew Smyth | 935 views
OHF Player Movement Update 2025/26
Following up on previous news of the OHFs "Open Borders" policy for the 2025/26:

The SMHA Board of Directors have agreed to guidelines as to how we will proceed with accepting non-resident players (NRPs) for the 2025-26 season. Although the OHF has passed an "open borders" policy for minor hockey in Ontario, it remains important that SMHA balances the development of local players with competitiveness and when applicable, the possibility of adding additional playing opportunities (BB Teams).

As presented and passed SMHA will allow the following standard number of Non-Resident players to participate for both AA/A and BB programs:

U10 – U13: Up to 3 Players*

U14 – U15: Up to 4 Players*

U16: Up to 5 Players*

*SMHA does reserve the right the allow more NRPs on a case by case basis which must be approved by a player selection sub-committee as well as passed by SMHA board vote.

Please visit the following links to learn more:
OHF Announcement
OHF Player Movement FAQs

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