Notices and Reminders, News (Stratford Minor Hockey Association)


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Mar 23, 2018 | lcossey | 5177 views
Notices and Reminders
Hello Hockey Parents!  Just a few items to note as the season winds down... 

SMHA Annual Banquet will be held Tuesday, April 17th:
All players should attend (no charge) and parents are welcome — tickets for parents ($15 each) can be ordered through team Managers.

Tryouts for 2018-19 will begin Monday, April 30th:
SMHA's Tryout Package will be available online next week along with the start of our coaching announcements.

Tax Receipts:
We have had many requests for Children's Fitness Tax Receipts in the past few weeks.  Please note that the Liberal government has eliminated this tax credit so tax receipt letters are not being generated.  If you require a receipt for other purposes, you can email me directly with the request ([email protected])

SMHA's Annual General Meeting will be held Wednesday, May 30th:
We are looking for some hardworking volunteers to run for the Board of Directors. A number of Director positions are available in addition to several key positions including Secretary and Registrar.  Volunteers must be dedicated to helping build the association as a whole.  They must be able to attend monthly board meetings (the second Thursday of every month at 6:30pm) and serve on committees as needed.  Keep and eye out for formal notices on our website and in the Beacon Herald in early May.  General questions in the meantime can be directed to Bob Zimmer by calling 519-801-1023.  Questions about the Secretary and Registrar positions can be directed to Laurie Cossey ([email protected]) or Dan Jackson ([email protected]).

Action this Saturday:
And finally, if you are looking for some hockey action this Saturday, come out and cheer on the Minor Atom Rep (Seeded AA) team in Game 6 of their series at 2pm at Dufferin.  Other teams in action on Saturday include the Major Bantam Rep team at 3:30pm, the Novice 1 team at 5:30pm, the  Novice 3 team at 6:30pm and the Major Atom MD's at 7:30pm.  All teams are in their Playoff rounds and all games are at the Dufferin.